Dudley Piano Services
Piano Tuning and Repair in Northwest PA

general repairs and upkeep
interior and exterior cleanings
standard and specialized tunings

Born and raised in Erie, PA, Dalton earned his Bachelor of Music in Music Theory from Baldwin Wallace University and his Master of Music Theory from the University of Texas in Austin. Throughout his undergraduate career Dalton studied vocal performance across a wide range of genres (including classical, musical theater, pop, rock, and country), while also studying piano as a secondary instrument, allowing him to perform as both a vocalist and an accompanist for a variety of individual and group performances. His studies in music theory have led him to pursue research in musical meaning, including analysis of leitmotivs in twentieth century staged-works, as well as examining musical parameters of pop and country music. In 2020, Dalton completed his Master’s Thesis, which examines the role that vocal and studio production techniques play in the portrayal of gender and genre in the music of Shania Twain. Dalton has served in different capacities as a music educator, including as a teaching assistant at the University of Texas, where he taught aural skills courses in the undergraduate curricula. He also taught private lessons in Austin at the Clavier-Werke School while working on his degree. As a teacher, it is his belief that all students share a strong ability to learn and grow, and values the differences in learning styles that all students bring to the classroom and to their lessons. Seeing the need for piano technician in the greater Erie area, Dalton began studying the mechanical workings of the piano and began tuning and repairing work in early 2023. When taking a break from music, Dalton enjoys spending time with his friends, family, and two Corgis: Winston and Henry.

For more information on pricing, scheduling, or just general inquiries, please email Dalton at dudleypianoservices@gmail.com or submit by using the prompts listed.